Did you know… that you are twice as likely to die in a house fire if you do not have a working smoke alarm at your home or investment property?
How to maintain a smoke alarm:
- Once a Month – Hold down the test button to see if the batteries are still working. Hold down for a few seconds until you hear a beep. If there are no beeps, then the batteries will need to be changed.
- Every Six Months – Clean and vacuum dust particles from the smoke alarm to avoid any false alarms. This will also ensure the smoke can reach the internal sensor.
- Every Year – Change the batteries in the smoke alarm. Advisable to replace with lead or alkaline batteries. Another option is to have the smoke alarm serviced annually.
- Every 10 Years – Replace all smoke alarms with new 10-year lithium powered alarm or earlier if specified by manufacturer. To identify the age of the smoke alarm there are batch numbers or dates on the base of the smoke alarm near the battery compartment.
Smoke Alarm Law
Smoke alarms are required to be installed and in working order to all levels of the property whether it is a house, townhouse or apartment and located near all bedrooms. The smoke alarms must meet the requirements of the Australian Standard.
This legislation also includes caravans, camper-vans and any other residential building where people sleep.
Contact Asset Alliance on 1300 335 338 or fill out the form on our website assetalliance.com.au for a smoke alarm service and quotation.